Marcus Douglas

Tech aficionado • Graduate • Developer

About Me

I graduated from the University of Hull with a Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) achieving a 2:1, during my time at University I was able to learn the fundementals of programming in object oriented languages such as; C#, Python and Javascript. I was also able to experiment with a multitude of different languages allowing myself to expand my skill set and understanding. I was also able to work as part of a group on a number of different projects which allowed me to expand my skills in communication, teamwork and project/time management.

I am very passionate about all things electronic, I love to experiment with microcontrollers such as arduino and raspberry pi, building computers and testing applications and games. I am part of a community that spans across many countries from within the UK to Europe, we collaborate together on programs ranging from applications to small video games as to expand our knowledge and help us improve as programmers. I also have a keen interest in music and travelling.


Peer to Peer Enigma Emulator

This project aimed to emulate the Enigma machine and send the encrypted message over a networked connection to another client which will then decrypt it. This project took a lot of time, research and determination to complete and really allowed me to progress many skills such as problem solving as the Enigma machine is very complex and took a lot of researching and understanding to correctly implement it in a program.

Languages: C#, C# Sockets

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Discord Bot

This project was started as a very popular bot that played music for your and your friends recently was terminated and there weren't many other alternatives. I decided to take it upon myself to make my own discord bot that could play music for me and my friends as well as expanding it to webscrape a website that stored match history for League of Legends which will show mine and my friends ranks and recent matches.

Languages: Javascript
APIs: Discord API, Node.JS

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Sport Center Booking Application

A C# program that allows users to book rooms and equipment and has different functions based on roles such as the ability to make posts and announcements and for personal trainers to book clients in for training

Languages: C#

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Video Game Loadout Randomizer

This program allows the user to randomize their entire loadout, randomizing the armour,helmet,gun and even ammo that they use, this is to provide the player with some extra challenge but is mainly just for fun to see what kind of weird loadouts the player can get and how viable they are.
Languages: JS,React

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Starfish Detector

This program cleans and applies filters to images in order to make them as usable as possible in order to achieve the highest likelyhood of detecting the starfish even if the images are of poor quality or are damaged. The software was highly successful on most images as it didn't ttake the colour of the starfish into account and was able to filter out most variations of noise.

Languages: C/C++, MATLAB

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Wordle Solver

I developed this program as me and my friend group had recently started doing wordle daily and found it very enjoyable, so I thought to make a wordle solver to see how quickly and efficently I could solve the wordle. The program will take your first guess and then recommend you guesses based off of the initial guess and which characters were in the correct place, not in the correct place and not in the word entirely.

Languages: C#

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Frameworks / Libraries  
  • Python 3.0
  • .NET Framework
  • jQuery
  • pandas / numpy
  • Git
  • Visual Studio / Visual Studio Code
  • PyCharm
  • Jupyter NoteBook